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 Les liens d'une belle Indienne

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Athéna N. Khan

Athéna N. Khan

Messages : 354
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2013
Localisation : En Ville

Les liens d'une belle Indienne Empty
MessageSujet: Les liens d'une belle Indienne   Les liens d'une belle Indienne Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct - 8:26

“perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express.”

athéna niyati khan

40 ans 1975- Bombay(Inde) Enseignante en danse Mariée
Je m’appelle Athéna Niyati qui signifie en Hindou "La destinée" je suis Indienne/Américaine. Mon père est un Américain et ma mère une Indienne, suis née à Bombay capitale de l’Inde devenue aujourd'hui Mumbai. Mon père est le fils de l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis, mon grand père à l'époque s'était installé en Inde ou il prenait ces fonctions. Mon père à rencontré ma mère, et tout a commencé...

Je suis née de l'unions de Mickaël Khan et Abhaya Isha, petite fille d'un milieu aisée, j'ai grandi entre l'Inde et Los Angeles. Ma naissance c'est donc faite à Bombay, mon père était en voyage d'affaire avec ma mère. J'ai beaucoup voyagé et grandi avec deux cultures bien différente. J'ai appris à parlée 3 langues différentes, l'anglais, l'Hindou et le Français. Mes parents m'ont toujours offert ce que je désirais, puis 4 ans après ils m'ont donné un petit frère Ethan. J'ai toujours été proche de Ethan, on dit que l'on ne se ressemble absolument pas et je veux bien les croire! Ethan et Moi c'est le jour et la nuit, j'ai pris de ma mère et lui de mon père. J'ai pris mon rôle de grande sœur très à cœur, même en grandissant nous étions toujours liés. Puis, j'ai grandi et j'ai commencé à faire ma petite vie d’adolescente entre Los Angeles et Bombay, mais à 11 ans mon père est partie lui aussi comme son père en Inde. Il avait acceptait son poste officiellement. J'ai donc grandi en Inde.

Là-bas, la vie était vraiment différente de celle des Etats Unis, mais je me suis adapter et surtout je me rendais dans une école bien spécifique, ou étiez réuni beaucoup d'enfants venu d'autre pays eux aussi. Nous étions un peu enfant de tel et tel personne, je n'ai pas forcement apprécié chaque jour, mais je ne peux pas dire que je n'ai pas aimé. Car, même si je voulais être comme mademoiselle tout le monde, ma vie beaucoup aurez aimé l'avoir. J'ai commencée la danse, j'ai toujours aimée ce côté artistique de ma personne, même si mes parents me voyait dans le droit comme eux! Sauf, que je n'ai jamais aimé le droit, j'ai passé tous mes diplômes sans même hésitez une seconde. Mais, j'ai rapidement tout stopper et demander à mes parents de m'inscrire dans une école de danse. Ils n'imaginaient pas leur fille comme ça, mais ils ont toujours étaient fière.

Ma vie en Inde semblé parfaite, j'ai intégrer une école de danse, fille d'Ambassadeur, enfin une vie pour certain toute tracée et parfaite! Mais, j'ai fais une erreur qui aurait pu me coûter la vie...
"Il est 21 heures, les rues de Bombay sont remplis entre les touristes et les habitants. Il y a un monde fou, et j'ai décider de sortir et m'évader quelques heures avec un ami. Peut-être aurais-je du éviter cela? Avertir ma famille? J'ai le sourire, et mon petit ai de l'époque est pour moi une sécurité. Mais, je me retrouve bousculée et perd Raja, j'espère le retrouvé rapidement, sauf que je suis bousculée dans une ruelle. Je commence à paniquer un peu, et je cherche du regard Raja. Sauf, que je me retrouve face à trois hommes. Pour vous donnez une idée, j'ai l'impression d'être un nourrisson face un mur! Je me rappelle d'une chose, un coups sec et je me suis réveillée 3 semaines plus tard à l'hôpital." J'ai étais complètement dépouillée, j'ignore si mes agresseurs savaient qui j'étais, mais ils ont prit tout ce qui avait de la valeur sur moi. Je me suis retrouvé avec plusieurs fractures, des hématomes. J'ai étais secoué par ma famille et je peux les comprendre! Je me suis mise après plusieurs mois aux arts martiaux. Je n'ai pas l'air comme ça, mais j'ai vite compris comment ça marché.

Je me suis prise de passion en dehors de la danse pour le domaine des arts martiaux, et même si en Inde la discipline est peu pratiquer, j'ai passé beaucoup de temps à m’entraîner et m'endurcir. A 25 ans, j'ai obtenue mon diplôme d'enseignement artistique, j'ai voyager dans tout l'Asie en enseignant à différente personne. Je suis revenue en Inde, pour apprendre aux jeunes filles la danse, mais malgré ma terre d'Origine maternelle, mon cœur a était gagné par Los Angeles, j'ai décollée pour L.A à 30 ans. J'ai rencontré Lorenzo De Vatti, un homme de 35 ans homme d'affaire dans l'immobilier. Mon histoire avec lui n'était pas prédit, mais pourtant tout est arrivé rapidement. J'ai étais nommée professeur sur le campus de L.A et en ville dans une petite académie d'arts. Mais, en dehors de ça, il m'arrive de collaborer avec mon mari dans les affaires, ce n'est pas forcement réglo parfois, je connais certains agents spéciaux, mais ais-je grandis dans un milieu normal???

trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère + trait de caractère.

liens recherchés
+ (m/f) nom du lien, description du lien.
+ (m/f) nom du lien, description du lien.
+ (m/f) nom du lien, description du lien.
+ (m/f) nom du lien, description du lien.

CREDIT : permanentjoy
par humdrum sur ninetofivehelp

Dernière édition par Athéna N. Khan le Lun 26 Oct - 10:16, édité 4 fois
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Athéna N. Khan

Athéna N. Khan

Messages : 354
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2013
Localisation : En Ville

Les liens d'une belle Indienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les liens d'une belle Indienne   Les liens d'une belle Indienne Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct - 8:26

Amelia c, Evans
Amélia est une grande amie, nous avons pas mal de points en commun elle et moi. Nous aimons faire du sport ensemble, et elle gère encore mieux que moi le milieu du combat. Amélia travail parfois pour mon mari, cela arrive rarement, mais ça peu arriver que l'on face appel à elle.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

Dernière édition par Athéna N. Khan le Lun 26 Oct - 10:09, édité 1 fois
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Athéna N. Khan

Athéna N. Khan

Messages : 354
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2013
Localisation : En Ville

Les liens d'une belle Indienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les liens d'une belle Indienne   Les liens d'une belle Indienne Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct - 8:26

john l, scofield
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
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Les liens d'une belle Indienne

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